Appointment for enrollment at Aadhar Seva Kendra

Step 1: Go through this Link. Click Here. 👈

Step 2: Click on New Aadhaar and Enter Mobile No.

Step 3: Enter Captcha Code and Click on Generate OTP.

 Step 4: Enter OTP received on entered Mobile no. and Click on Verify OTP.

Step 5: Choose Application Verification Type: Document/HOF
Step 6: Choose State, City and Nearest Aadhaar Seva Kendra.

  • If You've chosen Document as Verification Type. This type of screen will Come. (Please Ignore if Verification Method is HOF)

Step 7: Enter all the required details i.e. Name, DOB, Gender, Email id and Full Adress.
Step 8: Choose Name proof and Adress Proof. (If you have DOB proof also, you can also choose it, however, it is not mandatory)

Click here for List of POI/POA and Proof of DOB.
Step 9: Click on Next.

  • If  You've Chosen HOF as Verification Method, Then This type of screen will come. (Please Ignore if Verification Method is Document)
Step 7: Enter all the required Details i.e. Name, DOB, Gender, Email id and Full Address.
Step 8: Choose Relation Type, Relative name and Aadhaar No. and choose Relation Proof. (If you have DOB proof also, you can also choose it, however, it is not mandatory)
     Click here for List of Relation Proof and Proof of DOB.
Step 9: Click on Next.

Step 10: Choose Date and Time as per your convenience and click on Next.

Step 11: Now, Verify you Entered Details and Click on Submit.

Step 12: Click on OK

Step 13: Now your Appointment is Booked. Click on the Application Form and Print it. 

Now, Visit the Aadhaar Seva Kendra with this Application Form and the above-selected Documents. (along with the relative if Verification Method is HOF)