Locate Aadhar Kendras by address

Step 1: To locate Aadhaar Kendra By Address. Click Here

Step 2: Now select your (ii)State, (ii)District, (iii) Sub District and then (iv)Village/City/Town
Step 3: Enter Captcha and Click on Locate a Center

You will see a list of Aadhaar Kendra or Aadhaar Demographic Update Centers in concern Village/City/Town.

This list consists of Both Aadhaar Kendras and Aadhaar Demographic Update Centres
Aadhaar Kendras: Its no. of Enrollments in last 30 days will not be 0.(As highlighted in green rectangle)
Aadhaar Demographic Update Centres: Its no. of Enrollments in last 30 days will be 0.(As highlighted in Red rectangle)